How to specify what values to show in the Dig report

  1. Click  options
  2. You can then specify to show the following values in the report
Basic display columns
% category in target vertical percentage in the target group
% category in -non-target vertical percentage in complementary group
Chi2-significance Significance level in percentage
Advanced display columns
% category total vertical percentage in the total
% category in category horizontal percentage, i.e. the target groups’ part of the total
% non-total in category horizontal percentage, i.e. the non-target groups’ part of the total
Chi2 The Chi2 value, i.e. all absolute values above 3,86 is significant at a minimum level of 95%
Gamma The gamma value, indicating a correlation between -1.00 and +1.00
Index The index rating, showing a value between -100 and +100