09 - How to create a filter for cross tables

1. Select the table(s) you want to filter (or just click the Options button to set a filter on all tables).

2. Scroll down to the category “Filter and bases

3. Open the filter builder by clicking on the three dots at filter definition

The filter builder will now open

4. Select the question from the drop down list

5. Select the responses you want to use

6. Select “Add filter”

If you want to combine two or more questions in the filter:

  1. Create a New filter and repeat by clicking “Add filter”
  2. Modify your combined filter by changing operators or adding paranthesises
  3. Specify whether you want the categories texts to automatically gereated or you create your own filter description
  4. Click “OK”
  5. Click Save

Note that the filter definition now is shown in a "syntax" form. You can type this syntax directly, if you are familiar with the logic language. The "Filter description" can be autoatically generated, or you may simply type your own description.