04-How to sort cross tables
In many tables, you will want to sort the tables either ascending or descending to get a better insight. To sort your table(s), follow these steps
1. Select the table(s) you want to sort. And click on “Options”.
Scroll down to the “Sorting section” and specify the options:
You have the options to:
Sort column: Which column in the table should be sorted.
Exclude: Should a number of rows from the bottom to be excluded from the rolling prosess.
Specify the number of rows that shall be excluded from the rolling. Normally this will apply to ‘don’t know’ and ‘other’ alternatives. (these excluded rows will come in addition, even though you also use the maximum option).
Count from left to right starting with the total column as number 1.
Sorting value:
Direction: The direction of the rolling to be performed
Sort maximum:
Specify the maximum (top number) numbers of rows that shall be shown in the table (“Show me the TOP N brands”).
Sorting number: Show the rank number before the row label.
Example, sorting the first column descending and showing only top 2: