13 - How to export tables to Excel

You can export all the tables you have created, into Excel.

  1. Click "Actions" then "Export to Excel"
  2. A dialogue will appear. Specify the following

    1. Select a template (must be a valid Excel template=
    2. Specify whether you want each table on a separate sheet in the work book or not
    3. Specify how you want the multiple values (if e.g. Percentage and # of interviews) to be shown (beneath each other or side by side) 
    4. Include an index (either as a separate sheet or as a part of first sheet). 
      1. An index will be a link to the different tables. Easier to navigate. Note that this page (at the current) will need some manual formatting of column width.
    5. If you want the export just to download or to save the Excel file in the project
      1. The latter will make the Excel file available to all users having access to the project
      2. Give the Export a name and description (optional)
    6. Export
  3. You will be notified in either two ways
    1. If the file has been exported to the project. The project is available from the project page
    1. If the file has been exported to your download folder where it is available