Questionnaire designer - overview

When you click the "Design" in the survey menu, you will open the questionnaire designer. 
This contains the following icons and menus:

  1. Questionnaire designer, will take you back to this view above where you can create your questionnaires
  2. Themes, where you can select and modify the look and feel of your questionnaire
  3. Language(s) - where you can modify and add languages to your questionnaire (Note: Multiple languages not implemented yet)
  4. Lists - where you can create and modify lists, e.g. brand lists, to be used in the questionnaire (Note: Not implemented yet)
  5. Search - will search filter the questions with the ID (name) 
  6. Add new element, i.e. question, info or any other questionnaire element you want to add. 
    1. Clicking this will insert after the question or element you have in focus
  7. Will do the same as (6), but will add this to the end of the questionnaire
  8. Edit - will show you this view where you can edit and set options for the questionnaire
  9. Logic - will be able to set logic parameters for the question
    1. Filters
    2. Answer control (masking)
    3. Rotation
    4. Skip commands
  10. Preview - will show you the look and feel of question you ar editing in three modes:
    1. PC / Web
    2. Mobile
    3. Tablet